Private Higher Education

The system of access to higher education, legally established, applies, both, to public higher education and to private higher education. Students that intend to be admitted in a course of a private higher education institution are therefore subject to the same rules as those applying to public higher education.

Slots are also settled annually by the higher education institutions themselves, taking into account the resources of each one, and divulged before the start of the national call application coordinated by DGES (General Directorate of Higher Education in Portugal).

Placing is subdue to an institutional call, that is, a call organized by each private higher education institution.

Before enroling in a course of a private higher education establishment, check the website or contact DGES to be informed about the legal status of the establishment and course intended.


Declaração de Rectificação n.º 32-C/2008, de 16 de junho
Declaração de Retificação nº 32-C/2008, de 16 de junho
Rectifica o artigo 42.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98, de 25 de setembro
State: Vigente
Acesso ao Ensino Superior