Students in humanitarian emergency – Nationals of Ukraine
Having in mind the current situation in the Ukrainian territory, in relation to Students in humanitarian emergency - Nationals of Ukraine, it is realized that in Portugal, the conditions to promote respect and protection of human rights through encouraging solidarity and inclusion in an academic context, are ensured.
Access/Admission to Portuguese Higher Education
The Decree-Law no. 62/2018, of August 6, which amended the legal regime of the International Student statute, created the legal framework for the admission of students in humanitarian emergency to Higher Education Institutions, preserving that these students are guaranteed full access to social grants, including scholarships, and their exceptional equality to national students’ status for the purpose of tuition fees payment, fees and emoluments.
For the purposes of this legal diploma, students in an emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons are considered to be those coming from countries or regions where it is currently prevailing a recognized situation of armed conflict, natural disaster, generalized violence or human rights violation, resulting in a need for a humanitarian response.
These students are admitted through a special public tender for international students organized by each Higher Education Institution, with specific rules designed to recognize and acknowledge the education path already obtained in the country of origin. After admission, higher education institutions can credit the education or training carried out within the scope of other cycles of higher education studies that do or do not confer degree, either the education/training obtained within the framework of the Bologna Process, or obtained previously to that, with the limits imposed by national Law.
It is eligible to apply for the student statute of emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons anyone that find themselves in one of the following situations:
a) Benefit from the refugee status referred to in Law no. 27/2008, of June 30, in its current phrasing;
b) Benefit from the subsidiary international protection statute referred to in Law no. 27/2008, of June 30, in its current phrasing;
c) Comes from countries or regions to which the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations or the International Organization for Migration have declared the existence of an emergency situation that requires a humanitarian response;
d) Holders of the temporary residence permit referred to in article 27º of Law no. 27/2008, of June 30, in its current phrasing;
e) Holders of a residence permit granted to anyone who is or has been a victim of criminal offenses linked to human trafficking or for aiding illegal immigration, as referred to in article 109º of Law no. 23/2007, of July 4, in its current phrasing.
The request to apply for the student statute of emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons is submitted directly to the higher education institution, and must be attached by documentation issued by the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations or the International Organization for Migration, proving that the student is in one of the aforementioned situations.
It is also foreseen the possibility of applying, by each of the higher education institutions, alternative procedures to verify admission conditions to students in emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons, when their qualifications cannot be documented.
Another alternative for accessing higher education is through the course change regime, regulated by Ordinance No. 181-D/2015, of June 19.
Social Support in Higher Education
Students in an emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons who enter through a special public tender for International Students may apply for a scholarship grant.
The request is submitted online, using the form available here, using login credentials previously obtained from a Higher Education Institution. The deadline for submitting the scholarship grant application for a complete academic year is, normally, until September 30 or until 20 days after registration/admission, when it occurs after the first given date. But it can also be submitted until May 31 during the academic year. In this case the worth of the scholarship to be awarded is proportional to the period of the academic year remaining.
General information can be obtained from this link and for more specific information please refer to the FAQ webpage.
Recognition of Academic Diplomas/Degrees awarded by Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions
The Decree-Law nº 66/2018, of August 16, which approved the legal regime for the recognition of academic degrees and higher education diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions, determines the existence of three types of recognition: Automatic, Level and Specific.
The process to request a Recognition is done exclusively online by filling and submitting the proper form.
Within the Automatic Recognition type, a procedure that allows faster decision timeframes, are eligible applications from the following Degrees/Diploma awarded by Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions:
Bologna Degrees |
Ucraine |
Portugal |
Legislation |
Бакалавр (Bakalavr) |
1º Cycle - licenciado |
Deliberação genérica n.º 22 |
Магістр/Магистра Спеціаліст/ Спеціалістa (Spetsialist) (para as formações longas com 5 ou mais anos) |
2º Cycle - mestre |
Кандидат наук (Kandydat nauk) Доктор наук (Doctor Nauk) |
3º Cycle - doutor |
pre-Bologna Degrees |
Ucraine |
Portugal |
Legislation |
Бакалавр (Bakalavr) врач/врача/bрач/bрачa/лікар/лікаря (Médico) викладач/викладача/преподаватель/преподавателя (Professor) інженер/інженера/инженер/инженера (Engenheiro) архітектор/архітектора/архитектор/архитектора (Arquitecto) економіст/економіста/экономист/экономиста (Economista) специалист/специалистa (Spetsialist) (formações com 4 ou mais anos) |
Licenciado |
Deliberação genérica n.º 16 | 16-A |
Магістр (Magistr) |
Mestre |
Кандидат наук (Kandydat nauk) Доктор наук (Doctor Nauk) |
Doutor |
Ordinance no. 33/2019, of January 25, regulates the procedure for the recognition of academic degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions and provides, in its article 13, the possibility of waiving the presentation of diplomas, certificates or other academic documentation necessary for the recognition of said foreign academic degree or diploma regarding to qualifications of one applicant in an emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons who, precisely due to that circumstance, cannot provide proof of it.
The possibility of exemption is evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the competent entity responsible for that particular recognition process, which, when taking a decision in this regard, must adopt the procedures it deems appropriate for verifying the degree or diploma entitlement.
For these purposes, an applicant in an emergency situation due to humanitarian reasons is considered to be one who meets the conditions above mention in this document.
Since academic recognition is not synonymous with professional recognition, whenever access to regulated professions is the case, applicants should clarify with the competent authorities (Professional Orders or Associations in the particular sector) the required conditions for professional practice. In some cases, academic recognition may even be waived when certain requirements for the practice of the Profession in Portugal are met.
Therefore, prior contact with the Entity/Order that regulates that profession in Portugal is always suggested when the citizen's objective is merely professional. After this contact, and if the academic recognition of the foreign Degree/Diploma is actually requested, the request must be submitted through the aforementioned online form for this purpose.
Other support or benefits for students in humanitarian emergency – Nationals of Ukraine are coordinated by the Erasmus National Agency for Education and and Training.